Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

How To Create A Blog For Beginners

How to Make a Blog For Beginners

Welcome, prospective bloggers! I'll tell you two facts before you start:

* If Just a blog, it is very easy *.
But to his blog a success, it is not easy you might be interested to become a blogger after visiting several major blog sites in Indonesia, then amazed by them.since heard that blogs can generate dollar.Whichever the reason, this is the right guide for you.I do not will only teach you how to create a new account on Blogger / Blogspot and how to install it anyway WordPress. only 5 minutes also completed.

  I will teach you the more important again ...... ie how to create a blog that is a high chance for sukses.finish reading this article, you will be able to create a blog that is cool, interesting, is not inferior to that of the best bloggers in Indonesia.please download a glass of tea or coffee, we will soon begin. ... before we start, one more thing: Almost all new bloggers ultimately failed after the first 1-3 months ... only a few can sukses. so? Because they make the blog origins spam. the topic is mixed, the content is not qualified, the promotion is not clear.principally because his blog is completely deserted bad.and than continues, eventually they borring.Make blog: "Failing to plan means planning not finish.this not want to scare ...... it really often .planning blog was extraordinarily important, so that you do not a waste of time, money, and power.So of it, before we get into how to create a blog, we will first discuss the preparations.

  The manual consists of several chapters ranging from the preparation, installation, and use.please refer to the chapter you want to learn from this table of contents:
1. Finding Blog Topics

2. Determine the Platform

3. Installing WordPress

4. Basics of WordPress

1. Determine the main topic of your blog will probably think this phase trivial ... just choose the topic.when in fact it is the most important stage in the preparation.
Let me tell you one fact: Every day there were 2.73 million new content published on the blog throughout a world. than 70% of these blogs receive less than 5,000 visitors every month, or about 150 every days.So bad right? what causes it? It's the roots: *. Topics his blog is not clear, mess * .menu does not appeal to many people * .Topik which have not they control / interest so that the contents of his blog is so not a quality

  Well ... Suppose you had only read 5 every day.Would website you will open a website whose content is quality, interesting, and useful for you ... or websites that only contain original articles written? Definitely a first.right? So you MUST be able to create blog content better than blogs.thats to secruit,So, to be able to create great content, then you must choose a topic that you're interested / controlled and considered attractive by many people.If you choose a topic that you do not understand,

as a result:
1. Create content it feels so heavy

2.Konten that have been made so not qualified

3. You will get bored

 We just try to use logic.if we are not interested and do not know anything about a topic, what we might be able to teach the subject to others and make them interested? Very difficult ... especially for firstman.successful in blogging: select the main topics that interest you and people other

   Wrong in choosing the topic of your blog will cause difficult to develop.This is often experienced by many novice bloggers so they have to start over from zero.learn how to choose the right topic for you.
  Topics which could generate money? Based on the survey that I did some time ago, most of the readers of this article apparently wants to earn money from blog.Right, blogs can be a source some dollar.but indeed there is one legendary myths stating that only blog in the topic certain that can get some money.That one big topic .All could some money. content you create could attract more people.any topic can be made into a blog for income. Even blogs are content-funny.This funny stories from personal experience: 7-8 years ago I tried to create a blog on the topic of tax (taxation), because he said this topic can get a lot of money from my iklan.not at all interested in the tax . I create quality content is very low.every time you write content, it feels stress. Finally abandoned blog without getting visitors alike.So, do not choose a topic that is of no interest to you.

  IMPORTANT: If you are serious about blogging for the long term, do not choose a topic that invites legal problems. Such as providing MP3 songs, download movies, adult content, and the like. the right blog platform for you One of the toughest process in starting our own blog.Now we get into that much easier.
      Technology today is already using a blogging platform, you can write in a blog like writing in Microsoft Word.Ini 3 most popular options:
1.Blogspot- hosted hosted self-hosted

     There are dozens of other blogging platforms, but I'm not going to complicate your choice by discussing less popular.
Note 2 this term: hosted and self-hosted.what that? Hosted mean that your blog 'ride' on their you will not have its own pure website and your blog address like this: Self-hosted .youre create their own website with a platform called WordPress.The website will 100% be yours, but you have to pay for the domain name and hosting.well we URLs, such as houses and apartments: Hmm ... okay, then select which one? The answer is discussed individually in this guide:
CHAPTER 2 Choosing Platform Many beginners are often confused when it wants to choose a blog platform, because on the Internet by different people.This guide has discussed one by one which one is most appropriate for your own.
Choose a hosted platform ( or Blogger) if you:

1.did not want to shell out the cost (though not much)

2.gone with limited features

3.gone with a view that is also limited

4.gone name of your website like this:

5.gone your website be removed at any time (if you break the rules)

Instead, select platformself-hosted ( if you:

1.Have capital of about USD 30 every year (for domain and hosting)

2.Want have a website that is 100% owned by you

3.Want can change the look freely

4.Want can add any features thatyou need

5.Want create a blog that looks more kredibelItu only briefly only.fore read the full comparison and myth-the myth,

Because it is so flexible, self-hosted WordPress is also often used for function more than just blog.selling online, business websites, communities, and other personal others..I always suggest that people who are serious blogging to use a self-hosted WordPress. org, since it would be a good term capital long.But if you really 0, no problem.a little more trouble, when your blog is successful you can move from hosted to a self-hosted.many are doing like this, so you can still start hosted.

  Determine the hosting providers and domain Make you who have never heard this term: Domain: name / address of your website. This blog his domain. Hosting: place your blog files are stored.such as a hard disk if the original komputer.more complex, but do not take bad.. That means you need to pay each month / year when you rent a domain and hosting.there is no option to pay once for lifetime .over vital to blog.Of course you do not want to create a blog that you often have problems such as sudden death, or can not be accessed instantaneously .So, select a domain and hosting provider that believeit .this some domain and hosting services internationally usually recommended for beginners:
* .domain: Namecheap * .Hosting international: Blue Hostatau HostGator * .Hosting Indonesia: Niagahoster (free domain) If you create a blog in English, please use the international hosting.whereas for blog hosting Indonesia Indonesia use.

 Specify domainNama domain name will always be attached to the blog anda. they can be replaced, but it would be a hassle and if one can prove so bad.there fore you should carefully specify the domain first name

7 things you should consider:

1.Planning with blog topics

2.go names that are similar to popular websites

3. Easy written, remembered and spoken

4.Can may use .com

5.go a dash / minus (-) and numbers

6.Not use the trademark belonging to someone else

7.Open also user name of its availability on social networks

  Some people may not agree with me on all four points, because in fact there are other extensions besides .com are also be good,but reason I chose .com because it is the the most on.Me have a blog with a suffix .co, .net, and .org, but in fact there are many people who mistype ... they put it .com.So, use the other as an option finishing,Oh yes, avoid a dash (-) and numbers in the domain because people will regard them as spam blog.except when it is a brand you use one.

   Now we go the steps to make blog.In this article I will use NameCheap, HostGator and WordPress (self-hosted) as an can use hosting services and other domain because it is not far.Make hosted blog that I need not explain further because you just follow the guidelines that have been directly in the website

  Immediately, please refer to the following guide to learn the complete process:
WordPress installation process is actually not difficult, but it is likely that you have never done anything like this please follow these guidelines to see what the process is complete.

Step 1 - Hire a hosting service if you want to use Niagahoster, I advise to choose the cheapest package for, select Hatchling Plan.Select duration according to your needs, then click the button to will choose a domain ... If you do not already have a domain, you can all register in HostGator. if you already have a domain, at the very top, enter the domain name you want or select the tab "I Already Own This domain" ., under-3 enter your details and select the payment method, a credit card or PayPal. deselect the under-4 for the service that you are not your want .have a coupon, enter the under-5.HostGator provides different coupons each month, it's good to look for a coupon discount is first on Google with the keywords "HostGator coupon code" . the discount up to 50% on approval . Terms of Service and click the button Checkout Now to continue .payment has been completed, you will be forwarded to a page in up.Klik yellow button to enter the Customer Portal.Dont forget to check your mail and also to see your account details including this email because you will likely need more.

 Step 1a - Redirecting the domain to hosting this only if you do not purchase the domain directly in the hosting! After buying hosting, you will get 2 or more Name server via email. Examples nameservers to your domain registrar, in this example I use NameCheap.then click the domain name you want to change.

1. Click Domain Name Server Setup (if you use the services of other domain name can be also usually DNS or nameserver) 2. Enter a name server that you get save

2 - Installing Wordpress in 77 secon.if you buy from HostGator according to the guidelines listed above, follow these instructions: After purchasing hosting from HostGator, you will be emailed a link address of your CPanel with your username and passwordnya.Open http: // namawebsite. com / cpanel in your browser (Change is the appropriate domain namawebsite you buy) Enter the username and password provided, please change the password to your taste.or leave, as long as you can remember.

  It seems complicated because a lot of buttons and images, but do not wory.Study WordPress after installation After the installation process is over, you may feel confused where to go to publish new content .This some clues for studying WordPress.please towards this page to learn all the basic WordPress Basics until you can publish a post and replace it looks:

  Basics WordPress installation, of course you want to do something new website you like writing articles or switch views.please follow this guide series to know the basics of WordPress.

 a.go to the dashboard WordPressDashboard is the place where an admin to manage your WordPress blog.Fore go into Dashboard, this is the default address: http: // username and password that you have registered your that. this Dashboard could change the blog settings, change the look, add a plugin, do comment moderation, and others.

  b.change the name of the blog, language, and other settings To change the name and tagline blog, you can go to Settings> General.such as permalink and number of posts on the homepage can also be found in Settings.

  c. Changing the theme WordPress new blog owners usually want to immediately change the look of the blog to suit his tastes.fortunately, WordPress has thousands of themes ready pakai.Locasion Appearance> Themes.Fore add a new theme, click the Add New button above. Then uploading a new theme, click Upload Theme above.

  d.add plugin WordPress Plugin is one of the reasons we chose WordPress. help of plugins, you can add features as you want without the need to understand programming.Fore see the plugin is already installed, click on Plugins> Installed Plugins.while to add new plugins click Plugins> Add New.If you want to upload the plugin, click Upload Plugin.Some plugin that you should install and activate:

1.Yoast SEO: simplify urusanSEO

2.UpdraftPlus: backup your blog data automatically

3.Akismet: filter comment spam

4.iThemes Security: improving security

5.Look 16 best WordPress plugin that as needed.

   You can instantly find and install these plugins from the dashboard WordPress.e.make a post.time to create content for your blog.

First of all please go Posts> All Posts of left.You will find a post titled "Hello World!", Delete the post for just as .well click the Add New button at the top to create a new article.
1.Open title of your article here

2.Go to add an image or video into your post

3. Set formats such as bold, italic, lists and numbering, read more, and others

4.writing your article body

5.Go any different topics in one category to make it more presentable

6.posts ready to publish, click Publish finish! What's next? Congratulations, you've successfully created a blog with WordPress (or other platforms).

 Up until this point you already know how to:
1.Get ready main topic blog
2.Get ready right blogging platform
3.Select domain & hosting providers
4.Select domain name
5.Open blog
6.WordPress in order to taste
7.Select new content for blog

  But you have not finish. trip we really just getting started! Next we learn how to make your blog can be succes.there are many, but do not worry.if you do not have time to read them all now, please bookmark this page and come back later times.This him all you need to know to create a successful blog:

Monetizing Create a blog not only as a hobby. blogger who utilize their blog to generate money to hundreds of millions or even million every month.In this article there are some tips for those of you who want to earn money from a blog.

Writing Articel always be a value of 100 in Indonesian Language, you can not necessarily make an interesting article for readers on the internet. Not the same.this guide to writing articles so that the article you created is not making the reader feel sleepy.

Promotional Content After creating a blog, visitors will not come magically. You who must lure the attention they so want to visit and read your this guide there are 13 techniques to promote effective content.

Increase Artikel is a case study taken from the blog you are reading now. I discussed all the steps I take to increase up to 419% of blog no cost and without having connections with anyone.

Tips Experts set of tips to create a successful blog, directly from Indonesia 25 best bloggers I interviewed for you. Learn the secret recipe of their success in creating a blog! That's all you need study.One more again, no need to rush to read it all because it is quite long.please feel free to bookmark this page so as not gate.Finish, congratulations! Tell all your friends that now you can create a blog good luck.

posted from Bloggeroid

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